Monday 28 May 2012

SS10-1 Lesson 4B (What Is My Role)

After reading the course material and completing the questions associated with the course, I have had an epiphany. 

THE QUESTION:  To what extent should I, as a citizen, respond to globalization?

I finally can answer this nagging question once and for all.  I understand now that I have always contributed to my global community as a citizen.  Globalization is a great and vast window of opportunity for all human beings if handled properly and responsibly.  Yes, there are drawbacks.  Yes, globalization doesn't help everyone.  However, I respond to globalization positively.  Globalization is like a wild animal.  If neglected and mistreated, the animal will become a terrible death machine.  If handled with care, the animal will become harmless. 

Globalization refers to the global connections of the world.  Because of these global connections, what happens in one country will also affect another country on some level.  Each and every person on earth has contributed for a global cause, no matter how small or insignificant.  Another way to say this is, each an every person has affected his or her neighbour, city, country, Continent, and global community, no matter how small or insignificant the cause and affect may seem.

For example, I help my parents in the garden on a regular basis in the summer months.  Something as simple as planting a tree or shrub brings clean air for the community and helps the city overall.

By purchasing a particular product or by selling a particular product, that person is contributing/responding to his/her global community as a global citizen.  For example, last year I purchased a new computer over the Internet.  Many of the parts of the computer had to be shipped from distant countries to a particular place to be assembled and shipped to my home country.  By purchasing an item online, I gave working opportunities to a global community.  People are needed to assemble and deliver the product to my doorstep.

Finally, one of the most important things I am currently doing for my global community is helping to find a cure for Type 1 Diabetes.  This is a disease that affects the entire world.  If we, as a global community, could find a cure then the lives of millions would be saved. 

Walk to Cure Diabetes

Those who help each other will help themselves.  By helping other needy people around the world, I am also helping my country, community, and myself. 


This course has taught me so much.  I am now aware of the global issues towards globalization.  By creating this blog, I have contributed, as a global citizen, to the awareness and responsibilities of globalization.  I hope that by reading this blog, others will also learn and understand the problems, concerns, and issues of our global world.

Just by reading this final blog entry, we are RESPONDING to the global world and the issues that follow.

Thanks for reading!  Thanks for Caring!

Sunday 27 May 2012

SS10-1 Lesson 4A (Global Citizenship)

African, Canadian, European, Australian...people fail to realise that no matter who you are, where you live, how you live, and what nationality you are, that person is still globally connected to the world around him/her.

To quote Avatar: The Last Airbender, "We are all globally connected, but we act and live as though divided.  This is an allusion."

Avatar: The Last Airbender world map.  Note how the continents have been divided by fire, water, earth, and air tribes.

It's interesting to note that the ideas of globalization, global citizenship, and global division took part in a teen television program.

Every individual is considered to be a member of global citizenship since we are all part of the same boat called Earth.  In other words, what happens to me will happen to you, or what affects me will inevitably affect you. 

Even though everyone is a global citizen in my opinion, some organizations like Oxfam, have described a global citizen has someone who:

1.  is aware of the wider world
2.  respects the values diversity
3.  is willing to act to help others
4.  accepts responsibility for his own actions

You probably have a Canadian passport?
what about a global passport?

The most hardcore global citizens work day in and day out for the well being of other humans.  For example, a relief agency sending medical and food supplies to countries in need is considered an act of global citizenship.  However, baking food for a school bakery would not be considered as an act of global citizenship since the people who receive the benefits are part of that person's community.

I consider myself to be a Canadian citizen and a global citizen.  How am I participating in my global community you ask?  Each year my family earns money for the JDRF (Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation) to find a cure for a disease called Type 1 Diabetes.  By looking for a cure, I am helping my global community.  Millions or possibly even billions of people around the world have this disease.  By looking for a cure, I am helping the lives of the global community around the world.

Global Citizens UNITE!!!

Friday 25 May 2012

SS10-1 Lesson 3D (Global Connections)

The people of the world are connected through communication technology, travel, and media.  But some people fail to realise that the world is also connected through people's decisions, ideas, differences, interests, jobs, and beliefs. 

Globalization is exactly what global connections refer to.  Because of the ever increasing global communication technologies, people with specific views, ideas, etc. can potentially meet others with the same views, forming a strong community. 

When I consider the question, "To what extent should I, as a citizen, respond to globalization," I continually ask myself how I, right now, respond to globalization?  The answer is quite clear.  As a citizen, I look upon the world's problems such as corruption, food shortage, human rights, and neglected poor countries, and ask myself, "Is it all worth it?"  My opinion is quite biased. I personally love my life.  I have everything I need.  I, as a citizen, respond to globalization with a positive attitude, believing that people are being helped and lives are being saved, despite the violence in other countries.  Canada's government is fair and just.  The population is quite rich.  People are happy and prosperous.

However, people in other parts of the world have nothing.  I see globalization as a great cause for all humans to relate and positively respond to.  Others might see globalization as a plague that creates huge divides between the rich and poor.  Globalization created these problems, but without globalization, (if there is such a thing) would the world be better off or worse off than before?

The Rifts of Globalization.
Should the world suffer in order to have a global community?

Should the people of third world countries suffer so other people can have rich lives?

Without a global community, the world would run chaotically.  Yes, globalization has many negative affects.  However, it is my opinion that globalization opens the future to humanity.  It is my hope that, because of globalization, the world will find peace some day.

Equality is the key to success.

Thursday 24 May 2012

SS10-1 Lesson 3C (Responses to Global Issues)

On Earth, a lot happens in a day.  People die, governments fall, elections take place, new toys come out on shelves, grandparents come to visit, and so much more.  The point is all that happens is recorded by witnesses of the event.  The witnesses then tell others about what took place and "the news" is born. 

Globalization has allowed people the privilege of information and knowledge.

When others hear about the news, they are strongly opinionated and are likely to take some form of action, whether it be for better or worse.

Depending on those beliefs, people will fit into the three most-likely categories of society.

1.  Government - the government's main job is to serve the people of the country.  However, most governments forget the simple reality that the first duty is to the people.  If enough people fight for something of importance to them, the government will be more likely to side with the people who are abused in some way.  For example, if enough people fight for a change in postal services and rights, the government will consider the issue and possibly to try create a change, hopefully for the better.

2.  Business - Transnational Corporations usually wish to have good relations with the country/community that they have settled in.  To accomplish this, the corporation will create corporate citizen statements that promote healthy living and human rights.  They could also involve themselves in a good cause.  For example, Telus has advertised it's company by involving itself with the JDRF (Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation) in order to help search for a Type 1 Diabetic cure.  This act creates a good image for the company.  The people are happy.  The work gets done.  It's a win win situation.


3.  Civil Society - Generally, most people fall into this category.  It is the responsibility of the people to make sure the government supports the people before anything else.  In essence, a civil society counterbalances the powers of business, international corporations, and government policies that oppose the community and people.  Also, civil societies help shape new policies by spreading news, ideas, suggestions, and information to the government.

Remember that the government and businesses associated with your country ultimately revolve around the people.  Not the other way around.

SS10-1 Lesson 3B (Global Resource & Health Affects)

In today's society, fossil fuels such as oil and natural gas are needed in massive quantities.

Vehicles, Aircraft, Trains, Factories, and other similar devices, use fossil fuels daily.

This is the product that the world will fight for.
It's not's black gold.

To support the tremendous need for non-renewable fossil fuels, places like Nigeria, Sudan, and Canada are responsible for supplying the world with this resource.

Canada, or more accurately the Canadian province of Alberta, is responsible for supplying oil to places like the USA, Mexico, and Canada itself.  Due to the huge oil industry located in Alberta, there have been large environmental affects on many Albertan people.  For example, a once small town called Fort McMurray located in northern Alberta, has grown from a town of 2,000 residents to a city of over 85,000 residents in 2006.  The oil company brought good job employment which attracted people from other cities, provinces, and countries.  Because of the increase in population, new houses, businesses, schools, police stations, roads, and many other needs were created for Fort McMurray.  So as the oil company grew bigger, so did the towns and population grow as well. 

The world's need for oil and other similar resources have affected the lives of the countries which have those resources available.

There isn't a lot that can be accomplished to preserve the environment from the giant oil companies profiting from the world's needs.  However, people and organizations have been created to help preserve land that is still unpolluted.

The global need for oil has also affected the health of native Canadians.  Unlike the Black Death in the 14th century that occurred because of a disease spread by rats, the native inhabitants in northern Alberta and British Columbia are suffering due to starvation and thirst.

They destroy the forests and prairies once populated by fair game.

 Do you Think Shell is going green?

Oil companies pollute water which both affects people and animals.

As well as the spread of products and ideas, globalization also supports the spread of disease.  This is because globalization creates easier ways of travel from one place to another.  For example rats and humans on colonial ships heading for North America, carried diseases that were native to Europe.  Once Native Americans came into contact with this new and unidentified disease from the colonials, they fell ill and died.  This was a huge pandemic much like the Black Death.

The legacies of disease and pollution are terrible aspects of globalization. 

Could anything be done to prevent the suffering of disease on our planet?

Wednesday 23 May 2012

SS10-1 Lesson 3A (Awareness of Community Issues)

Every single person in existence is part of or has been part of a community.

For example, I am part of a community with family, friends, Church, and a social sports club.  I am also part of several communities online, such as the Rooster Teeth community, the Halo community, and the Microsoft Xbox live community.

Like a family, a community can be disrupted by unforeseen problems and events.  Lately, communities must be extra aware and careful of the affects of globalization.

So how does globalization affect a community?

1.  Advancements in Communication Technologies - now that the internet, cellphones, computers, and other sources of media have become common in most households, people are able to access endless amounts of information with the touch of a screen or the click of a mouse.  The internet is the most important and useful hub of data the world has ever known.  Forums, websites, blogs, emails, instant messenger, audio communications, and video communications like Skype, allow everybody and anybody to join online virtual communities.  Although it is unlikely to ever meet a member of an online community in the real world, these communities still form relationships based off of people's interests.  However, there is scepticism that online communities shut out people from the real world, destroying real relationships.

2.  Advancements in Travelling Technologies - Because of today's fast paced world, travel has become relatively easier.  This allows long distance relationships to form.  For example, two good friends are split up by one friend moving across to the other side of the city.  These people can still remain friends due to travel by car or other transit.  They can also plan to meet at a curtain location at a curtain time of day to spend time together.

3.  Transnational Organizations - Transnational Organizations can easily affect an entire community, creating new employment that attracts customers and workers alike.  Shops, malls, food joints, car dealerships, etc. move into the area, attracted by the spike in population.  Because of the Transnational company, the population can afford things they might not have been able to afford in the past.  A new community has been created due to the arrival of the transnational organization. 

Despite this sudden growth in the community, it isn't necessarily a good thing.  Transnational organizations replace good paying jobs with minimum wage employment.  Local businesses can be forced to close down because of the competitiveness of the transnational organization.

4.  Immigration - Many immigrants enter a developed country such as Canada or the USA from India, China, Africa, and other parts of the world.  Places like Canada are being overrun by immigrants.  The sudden and drastic change in population can greatly affect a community already established in the area, due to the immigrant's different culture, beliefs, looks, or interests.

Now that the course is almost at a close, my awareness of the negative and positive affects of globalization have indeed changed and grown for the better.  I support globalization, but I also support my community.

Hopefully this blog will also widen people's understanding of the global world around us.

Tuesday 22 May 2012

SS10-1 Lesson 2D (Globalization & Awareness)

After studying the ideas of global awareness it is time to take what I have learned and once again try to answer the question:  To what extent should I, as a citizen, respond to globalization?

To be aware is to be smart.  In the past few days I have gained knowledge on the global topics of human rights, human trafficking, and government and union ideals.

Now I am more aware of the world's problems surrounding these topics.  I can honestly say that I am shocked to know that so many people suffer, both physically and mentally, due to how much green slips of paper people possess.  In my opinion, human trafficking is the worst.  Sure, unions are struggling to give workers better rights.  People, countries, nations, and governments are struggling to also support their nations and to also bring the people the rights they deserve. 

These are all concerning issues in my eyes.

However, In my opinion human trafficking is the worst.  People, especially women from Europe, are forcefully taken and used for other people's selfish wants.  For example, young women are kidnapped, shipped to the modern world like the USA, and turned into prostitutes. 


I think the posters say it all.

The point to all of this is to understand that although globalization has its pros, it also contains cons such as the ones mentioned above.

To respond to the unit main question, I have to say that regarding everything that I have learned up to this point, I still support globalization since it has great potential for our planet.  However, I completely object to the unfair treatment of workers, unions, the unfair rules and laws associated with international companies, and people who are involved in human trafficking organizations.

Steps must be taken to ensure fair and equal rights and freedoms.

Monday 21 May 2012

SS01-1 Lesson 2C (Awareness of Quality of Life)

Many countries around the world suffer daily. 

Some countries are rich, believing that life couldn't be better. 

Some of these countries are poor and the people know they exist in a sad and miserable country.
 Others are completely blind and unaware of their poverty. 

Recognize this man? 

"The Matrix" is a metaphor to how blind people are to their own enslavement and poverty.

There are many aspects that can cause a country to fall into poverty. 
People in any country should constantly be aware of: 

1.  Government - is the government controlled by corupt leaders, officials officers, police, judges, etc.?

2.  International Trade Organizations - are the international companies the majority force involved with export and import of goods and survices?  If the organization leaves, will the countries economy colapse? 

3.  Possible Debt - Does the country owe any survices or money to a high power organization or equally powerful nation?  Can the loans or debts be paid?  What will happen if payment cannot be met?

4.  Funding Agencies - Is the World Bank or International Monetary Fund helping the the struggling countries debt problems?  Are the agencies changing the country's laws or trading laws?  Are the needs of the people being met?

5.  Citizen rights - Are people suffering due to tough laws, harsh labour laws, or discrimination of any sort?  Can anything be done to promote human and labour rights?

Know what keeps your country succure.  Don't just sit in the dark, blind to life's problems.  Be aware.

Try reading the newspaper for a change.

SS10-1 Lesson 2B (Union Awareness)

During the last few decades, unions have been shrinking due to company competitiveness.  Workers recieve lower wages, fewer days off, and other unfair regulated rules.  In Canada, only 30% of the nation's workers are involved in a union.  What is so important about unions?  In my opinion, being aware of the world's problems will educate us and prepare us for your own problems at in the future.

I feel very strongly about unions for they fight constantly for equal and fair human rights.  Well, actually they fight for worker rights.  Still, workers are people, and people need to be treated fairly.

Today, one of the largest union organizations called the International Labour Organization still fights for worker/union rights across the world. 

Where do computer parts like Intel Processors come from?
Do the labourers who make them receive fair working rights?

You might be asking, "yes, this is all very interesting but I don't see how a place like Canada is involved with the mistreatment of workers and unions?"  Luckily, this question can be answered with an example. 

Let's say an international company in Costa Rica mass produces something valuable like processors for computers.  Once the product is built by the labour force, the company pays a fee to deliver the product to a country like Canada.  Once their, the price of the product is altered or lowered so that Canadians will buy the processors in mass.  Let's say Canadians pay a hypothetical $56 a piece for the product.  Most of this price will pay for the international company in Costa Rica.  A percentage will pay for the shipping and handling.  Finally, only a small percentage will actually go to pay the workers.

Miners who dig for materials needed to make Intel processors and other computer parts are payed little to nothing.

Because of these unfair wages, unions are formed by the work force to try and bend labour laws to allow more rights and fair treatment in that company.

 Do you think Walmart is evil?

Unions are fighting a war...a war to gain a better existance.

To support workers and unions, people have created free trade products that are priced so that all people associated with the creation of that product receive fair wages

You may be paying extra for your Bannanas, but the workforce around the world just earned another right to live a happy and fufilling life.

Friday 18 May 2012

SS10-1 Lesson 2A (Global Awareness)

When people hear the term, "global awareness," they might think about the ideas of the gender equality and the ingenuity gap. 

As I have said before, there is nothing of more importance than the fair and equal treatment of all human beings.  So gender equality is something that I feel very strongly about.  As far back as human history has been recorded, people and especially women, have been neglected or unfairly treated.  Although in todays society, women are receiving more rights, there are still women out there that are less important or invaluable than men.

For example, women in North America still have a harder time getting important or high statues jobs in their profession. 
Women generally have lower wages than men.
Let's say that a woman's wage is the stack of money of the left, but a man's wage is a stack of money on the right.

And, depending on the country which that woman lives in, there is a smaller percentage of educated women, including Educated Teachers 

Hopefully, by reading this blog entry, you are a little more aware of the problems out in the globalizing world. 

How are Gender issues connected through globalization?  By reading, hearing, seeing, or spreading the news, issue, or problem to somebody who hasn't learned what you have learned, globalization has occurred.  This is because the idea has spread to more people.  These people in turn might tell somebody else what they have found out.  Soon, the country, then the continent, then the world has heard about the problem or idea. 

By reading this informed blog entry, you have supported the spread of globalization.